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Alteration or revocation of an advance directive

Advance Directives

Even if you have already made an advance directive, you may, as long as you remain mentally competent, alter or revoke the advance directive you made at any time.  Once you have made a new, valid advance directive, the new one will replace the old one. You should keep your healthcare professionals and family informed of any amendment or revocation.

1. For clarity and avoidance of doubt, revocations of advance directives should be made in writing and follow the model form proposed by the Government (click here to download the Government’s proposed revocation form).

2. If the revocation is made in writing, it should be made in the presence of a person aged 18 or above and who has no interest in your estate.

3. If the revocation is made verbally, it should be made in the presence of a doctor, a lawyer or other independent person, aged 18 or above, who has no interest in your estate. If practical, the witness should document the verbal advance directive using the model form proposed by the Government (click here to download the form).

4. Once the original advance directive is revoked, a new directive may be made according to the aforementioned procedures.

Note that, even if you have not revoked your directive, if your subsequent acts give your healthcare professionals real reason to doubt your original directive and suggest that you may have changed your mind, they may consider the directive to be revoked.